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Imagine a world where senior living communities buzz with purpose, where 85-year-olds wake up each morning asking, "What's next for me?" This isn't a far-off dream—it's a vision that Jill Vitale-Aussem, CEO of Christian Living Communities, believes we can achieve by challenging our current approach to senior care.

At the recent Senior Living Innovation Forum, Vitale-Aussem presented a thought-provoking idea: What if treating older adults as customers is actually doing them a disservice?

So, what's the solution? Citizenship. Not the passport kind, but the "I have a stake in this community" kind.

Vitale-Aussem proposes a paradigm shift: viewing residents as citizens rather than customers. This simple change in perspective can transform the entire dynamic of senior living communities. Instead of being passive recipients of services, residents become active participants in shaping their environment, rekindling a sense of purpose and engagement in their lives.

As Vitale-Aussem suggests, "Citizens contribute, engage in problem-solving, and look out for one another. Customers, on the other hand, tend to focus on their individual needs and expectations."

The beauty of this approach? It's not about doing more; it's about doing different. It's about asking, "What can you bring to this community?" instead of "How can we serve you today?" It's about creating an environment where an 85-year-old can ask, "What's next for me?"

Is it easy? No. Is it worth exploring? Absolutely. Because when you build a community of engaged citizens, you're not just changing an organization - you're enhancing lives.

And isn't that the heart of what senior living should be about?

Want to dive deeper? Check out Jill's full talk below…


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This article was written by AI and edited by a member of the influence group team.

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