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    Elizabeth George

    Elizabeth George is a former corporate communications leader now helping companies with freelance writing, content development and change communications. She’s worked internationally for multinational corporations and with smaller organizations across various sectors.
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    Insights from Covia’s Rebranding Journey... and how it made them stronger

    It’s not every day that an executive takes the stage at a conference and boldly shares the mistakes his organization has made so that others can learn. But that’s just what Ron Schaefer, Chief Operating Officer at Covia, did when he shared the ups...

    By Elizabeth George  |  
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    5 Insights from Revera's 98 yrs young Chief Elder Officer

    Her supporters gave her the nickname “Hurricane Hazel” in recognition of her outspoken political style during her run from 1978-2014 as the longest-serving mayor in the history of Mississauga, Ontario. 

    By Elizabeth George  |  

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