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    Andy Smith

    Andy Smith is a veteran journalist and copywriter. Andy writes about hospitality, retail, senior living and higher education topics for influence group.
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    Tech + Staffing Top List of Concerns for SLIF Attendees

    What’s on the minds of most senior housing leaders? With SLIF’19 just a few weeks away, we decided to conduct an informal poll to pinpoint the top concerns of industry CEOs. Though we haven’t conducted a formal study, anecdotal evidence can tell us...

    By Andy Smith  |  

    Is Co- Living the Best Solution to the Growing Middle Market Challenge?

    You know that co-living, co-housing and other evolving forms of shared living space are officially on the radar when legendary trend spotter Ian Schrager singles them out. “Communal living is blurring the distinction between residential and hotels,”...

    By Andy Smith  |  

    Technology: A Solution for Workforce Challenges?

    As the US economy experiences historically low unemployment rates, talent acquisition and retention remain a top challenge throughout the senior living industry. Executives and leadership within the sector are acutely aware of this and are...

    By Andy Smith  |  

    Futurists Say Senior Living Ripe for Disruption

    The senior housing providers that “actively try to put themselves out of business” will be the most successful in 20 years, says author and futurist Brian Solis, while AI is going to help millions of seniors maintain independence and avoid...

    By Andy Smith  |  

    Bill Thomas Believes Modular Homes are Solution to Middle Market Challenge

    The growing small house movement is one solution to the affordability challenge faced by middle- and lower-income seniors, but lately some industry leaders have expressed concern that this movement will only exacerbate another trend--isolation and...

    By Andy Smith  |  

    Addressing Behavioral Health in Senior Housing

    The National Institute of Mental Health reports that 15% of U.S. seniors are living with clinical depression with even more (25%) reporting “persistent feelings of sadness,” leading to what NIMH has labeled “a serious public health concern.”

    By Andy Smith  |  

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    Tech + Staffing Top List of Concerns for SLIF Attendees

    What’s on the minds of most senior housing leaders? With SLIF’19 just a few weeks away, we decided to conduct an...

    Is Co- Living the Best Solution to the Growing Middle Market Challenge?

    You know that co-living, co-housing and other evolving forms of shared living space are officially on the radar when...

    Technology: A Solution for Workforce Challenges?

    As the US economy experiences historically low unemployment rates, talent acquisition and retention remain a top...

    Futurists Say Senior Living Ripe for Disruption

    The senior housing providers that “actively try to put themselves out of business” will be the most successful in 20...

    Bill Thomas Believes Modular Homes are Solution to Middle Market Challenge

    The growing small house movement is one solution to the affordability challenge faced by middle- and lower-income...

    Addressing Behavioral Health in Senior Housing

    The National Institute of Mental Health reports that 15% of U.S. seniors are living with clinical depression with even...

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