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    Nicole Rupersburg

    Nicole Rupersburg is a content and conference producer for influence group focused on education healthcare and hospitality. She also is a frequent freelance writer covering food, travel, arts, culture, and what-have-you.
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    How Senior Housing Can Help Solve Our Nation's Healthcare Woes

    Lynne Katzmann, founder and CEO of Juniper Communities, knows what it's like to sit at the kids' table. Growing up, she and her 67 (!) cousins were always seated away from the adults during family get-togethers and holidays. As an adult who stayed...

    By Nicole Rupersburg  |  
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    How to Make 42% Profit Margin in Senior Housing

    Craig Patnode, President and CEO of Eldermark, believes that senior housing operators are leaving a lot of money on the table. During a talk given at the Senior Living Innovation Forum, he explained that it is possible for everyone in senior housing...

    By Nicole Rupersburg  |  
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    PointClickCare President Shares Framework for Enabling Innovation

    In an age of accelerating technologies and market disruption, how can senior housing operators stay ahead of the pack?

    An innovative model, introduced in Geoffrey Moore’s book “Zone to Win,” posits that organizations can gain an edge in today’s...

    By Nicole Rupersburg  |  
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    Disruptive Innovation is Coming for Senior Living. Are You Ready?

    Bob Kramer, founder and strategic advisor of the National Investment Center for Seniors Housing & Care (NIC), refers to himself as an "agent provocateur." His goal is to stir the pot in the senior housing industry, forecasting that disruptive...

    By Nicole Rupersburg  |  

    Lessons in Innovation from Darryl ''DMC'' McDaniels of Run-DMC

    Life rarely goes according to plan. Just ask Darryl "DMC" McDaniels, of Run-DMC, who never had any intention of getting into the music industry—he just wanted to make comic books. 

    By Nicole Rupersburg  |  

    How Honor is Using Scale and Technology to Drive Innovation in Home Care

    Honor, a tech company based out of San Francisco, is building a business in an atypical market: senior care. The company is specifically designed for non-medical home care, a subset of the senior care industry.

    By Nicole Rupersburg  |  

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    How Senior Housing Can Help Solve Our Nation's Healthcare Woes

    Lynne Katzmann, founder and CEO of Juniper Communities, knows what it's like to sit at the kids' table. Growing up, she...

    How to Make 42% Profit Margin in Senior Housing

    Craig Patnode, President and CEO of Eldermark, believes that senior housing operators are leaving a lot of money on the...

    PointClickCare President Shares Framework for Enabling Innovation

    In an age of accelerating technologies and market disruption, how can senior housing operators stay ahead of the pack?


    Disruptive Innovation is Coming for Senior Living. Are You Ready?

    Bob Kramer, founder and strategic advisor of the National Investment Center for Seniors Housing & Care (NIC), refers to...

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    Life rarely goes according to plan. Just ask Darryl "DMC" McDaniels, of Run-DMC, who never had any intention of getting...

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