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    Ashlee Kieler

    Ashlee Kieler is an experienced multimedia journalist based in Iowa. She is passionate about telling stories about healthcare, education, retail and a smorgasbord of other topics.

    Why Senior Living Must Undergo a Digital Transformation

    Digital transformation may sound cumbersome, but it’s a necessity for senior housing providers as they look to secure their place in the future of the healthcare ecosystem.  

    By Ashlee Kieler  |  

    Delos Announces Senior Living Research Agenda at SLIF

    The policies and protocols of thousands of hotels, office buildings, airports and even schools have been reviewed and studied by the International WELL Building Institute through the WELL Health-Safety Rating and other WELL programs to examine how...

    By Ashlee Kieler  |  

    How Tech and Common Sense is Bringing Experience Design to Senior Living

    For many senior housing providers, the isolation residents endured during COVID brought the importance of experience design into focus, with many realizing that implementing this concept is a necessity, not an option. 

    By Ashlee Kieler  |  

    How WELL Health-Safety Can Improve Occupancy and Staff Retention

    “Wellness” has become a marketing buzzword in nearly every corner of the consumer products industry, but many of these items boast some dubious claims, and rarely are such products vetted with any kind of hard science.

    By Ashlee Kieler  |  

    5 Questions to Ask When Converting Hotels to Senior Housing

    The downturn in the hotel industry following the pandemic has created an opportunity that might just provide an answer to the growing need for additional senior living facilities.

    By Ashlee Kieler  |  

    5 Steps to Improve Your Community’s Online Reputation

    Before making a large purchase, most consumers are likely to seek the opinions of others, whether trusted friends or strangers online. 

    By Ashlee Kieler  |  

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    Why Senior Living Must Undergo a Digital Transformation

    Digital transformation may sound cumbersome, but it’s a necessity for senior housing providers as they look to secure...

    Delos Announces Senior Living Research Agenda at SLIF

    The policies and protocols of thousands of hotels, office buildings, airports and even schools have been reviewed and...

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    For many senior housing providers, the isolation residents endured during COVID brought the importance of experience...

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    “Wellness” has become a marketing buzzword in nearly every corner of the consumer products industry, but many of these...

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    The downturn in the hotel industry following the pandemic has created an opportunity that might just provide an answer...

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    Before making a large purchase, most consumers are likely to seek the opinions of others, whether trusted friends or...

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